for all」の動画を見て私は小学校の教員になることを目指していますが、そのような子どもたちのための組織で何かを変えようと動くことも本当にいいことで、そのような活動にも携わってみたいと強く興味を惹かれました。
I think the Japanese government is really doing good job to maintain the taking care of the older people in my country we do not have the taking of the old people my question is do the
government pay for the cost of the care giving or is the family to pay for everything
The class of today was so good have been waiting to learn and know about the special needs in the society because have a great interest in inclusive education and special need but what I know
is 障害あつてもなくてもみんな同じです。
父子家庭貧困など様々な貧困がある。また、様々な原因で貧困になると改めて思った。しかし、生活保護ビジネスという貧困者を標的とした詐欺のようなビジネスが行われている。そのようなことがないように政府や自治体がより貧困への制度を強化するべきだと思った。民間での貧困問題の支援では、社会福祉法人貢献活動推進協議会やLearning for
The class was so good the topic was good too the poverty in the family and the children poverty and how the society is dealing with the issue I think it was good idea for the society to offer
food in the society this can bring unity in the community.
The todays lesson was so good been able to learn a lot of things I was so happy because been able to learn about 日本戦争 these make the class to be good to learn different things at the same
Thank you for the reply thou the cooment of your old sister was so sad news but it is ok since she got chance in special schiil i also like the todays video where jids ae told diifernt things
I like the services that the Japan government is doing towards the elderly people in the society in todays class have learned and also known the different company that works toward improving
the disable people in the community.
The community lessons was so good have learned that community is made of different things like association and for the association to work well different things
are need like provider innovater local resources and CSR which is very impornat
the lecture was s good but a lot of words have used that I can not understand thou the flim thou thou the terms used were so hard so I get hard to hard to understand
The todays class was good thank you so much for the important information and for the different topics and the different slides that your making to improve the class
The class was so good by you teaching us the most important things that people should know and how the community should help people in the community which I think is a Good thing.
"英語でCare in theと書かれたところと、Care by theと書かれた部分で何となくですがマクロやメゾでの理解が深まったかな、と思います。また住み慣れた場所で支援を受けたいという思い~の動画の部分で出た、社会福祉の現場で働く人だけではなく様々な業種が連携して地域福祉に努めるという部分が印象に強くあります。"